Mo'taz Sawalhi
Joined October 3, 2017
Member: China
Member: Hong Kong & Macau
Company Name
Market Guidance International Marketing Co.LTD.
Business Services
Company Description
Founded by the effort of a small number of young people in 2015 of Sep.,the idea of the company is to facilitate marketing , advertising and all kind of services for trader and consumers around the world to get the desired product as fast as possible and with less effort by deploying a huge advertising ads on a daily bases for many factories and companies around the world , we also provide easy ways to communicate with them .
Products/Services Offered
Design ( logo - business cads - ads post - poster )
Shooting and Editing ( photos and videos )
Advertising Services thru ( wechat - FB - Instagram - Linkedin - weibo )
Offline ads ( bus and metro stations in many cities in China - Airport ads - Taxi ads )
YouKu ads
What is your Special Offer for other TRUSTRADE members?
Design Services with Discount 20%
ads Services with Discount 20%
+86 13112206490
Wechat ID